Mums in family albums
Most mums will scroll through the images on their phones to find plenty of adorable snaps of their children or sweet and funny moments with dads, cousins, grandmas, best friends. How many nice photos of you can you actually find there? And I don’t mean selfies but photos you would actually hang on the wall? Or photos that show your life and emotions in a candid, most natural way?
As the mum you are probably the one documenting your family life but it often means you are left out of the photos. Dads don’t seem to understand that when you’re playing or snuggling cosily with your little one, he should be rushing to grab his phone and take the photo to freeze this beautiful moment. No, they don’t. So you ask them to do that. And they take a shot that’s either blurry or he somehow manages to take the most unflattering angle possible. Or by the time he’s ready to take the picture, your child looses interest in whatever you were doing. Yup, that’s pretty much my life too.
Booking a family photoshoot is a great way to ensure you are in the photos - because ‘to the world you’re just a mother, but to your children, you are the world’. I love this quote because it’s so true! The pictures of you will one day remind them of the happiest childhood memories. And they will also remind you of the most beautiful side of the motherhood journey.
We can shoot in your home or explore the great outdoors - I know plenty of beautiful photoshoot locations in London and Croydon but it can be also your favourite park! We can capture moments that will bring back so many memories and feelings.

And yes, some mums don’t like having their pictures taken. They’re so self conscious about little/big body issues they would like to correct first but one day your children will only have photographs of you and they will not see cellulite, postpartum belly, double chin or out-of-control baby hair. No, they will see your smile, warm embrace, the laughing face, the eyes full of love. And that will remind them how they felt being around you.
I am a mum (and not particularly a fan of having my images taken) so I can really understand how you feel. That’s why I mastered ways of making our session a fun experience for the whole family so all you have to do is to focus on each other. And my job is to take flattering angles. To take a shot in the most perfect moment capturing your authentic smiles and warm embraces. I’ll prepare a personalised plan for our session that will work best for your family. I can even recommend a London makeup artist that can visit you before the session - anything that will make you feel more relaxed during our session!
Psst, Mother’s Day is just around the corner so if you’re looking for something with a longer lifespan that a mug or a body lotion, let your partner know. Or even send him this blog to give him a hint. DAD, ARE YOU READING THIS? If you are, you know what to do:
Contact me to book the session or purchase a gift voucher <3